Infoday on Horizon 2020, workshop on writing a successful proposal and Policy event
Registration closes on xx/xx/xxxx.
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1. Participation to the Infoday on Horizon 2020 (6th July 2015)
2. Participation to the Workshop on Proposal Preparation and Management (7th July 2105)
3. Participation to the Policy event (8th July 2015)
Policy acceptance is required
Data protection and privacy of personal information: the collection of personal data is treated as strictly confidential. Any information provided to APRE will only be used for purposes connected to the fulfilment of the supply service. When joining our mailing list, you authorise APRE to use all your personal data in accordance with Italian laws and regulations (D.lgs. 196/2003 of 30/06/2003 about "Personal data protection")."